Current & Recent Projects


Setting Direction for Advancing Digital Health Literacy Training Support to Optimize Older Adults’ Technology Use in Chronic Cardiovascular Disease Self-Care

Rush K, Fawcus L, Lukey A, Jakobi J, Loewen P, Moroz L, Chiu W, Andrade J, Sakakibara B, Hasse K, Li E, Sargent S, Nobles R, Murn J

Digital health literacy training to support older adults’ technology use in atrial fibrillation self-management

Rush K, Hasan, Mohammad K; Jakobi, Jennifer M; Janke, Robert; Sakakibara, Brodie M, Loewen P, Andrade J.

Developing Quality of Care Indicators for Community-Based Pharmacist Prescribing of Minor Ailments and Contraception in British Columbia

Dahri K, Piszczek J, Loewen P, Ragsdale P, Humphrys E, Pammett R, Price M, Barry A

Atrial fibrillation stroke prevention: New insights from anticoagulant adherence thresholds and trajectories. [link]

Loewen P, Andrade J, De Vera M, Deyell M, Filion K, Safari A, Tadrous M, Salmasi S.

Enhancing Patient Self Care and Management of Atrial Fibrillation within Primary Care [link]

Rush K, Loewen P, Oelke N, Hilsmann N, Baskerville J, Orwaard-Wong K, Maltby K, Towle C, Jake R, Tooby R, Andersen T, Hruska P, Neill K, Decleva D, Whalley B

Preventable strokes and deaths in atrial fibrillation patients: Understanding the impacts of anticoagulant nonadherence. [link]

Loewen P, Andrade J, Rush K, Chen W, Sadatsafavi M, De Vera M, Zhao Y, Deyell M, Salmasi S.

Oral anticoagulant adherence and switching in patients with atrial fibrillation: A prospective observational study. [link]

Salmasi S, Safari A, Kapanen A, Adelakun A, Kwan L, MacGillivray J, Andrade JG, Deyell MW, Loewen P.

Economic impacts of anticoagulant adherence in atrial fibrillation.

Loewen P, Andrade J, Rush K, Chen W, Sadatsafavi M, De Vera M, Zhao Y, Deyell M, Salmasi S.

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: P2Y12 inhibitors and ACEI/ARBs To Corroborate Health outcomes.

Collaborators: Barry A, Safari A, Helisaz, H, Loewen P.

Oral Anticoagulants Switching Patterns in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.

Adenike R. Adelakun, Mary A. De Vera, Kim McGrail, Ricky D. Turgeon, Arden R. Barry, Jason G. Andrade, Jenny MacGillivray, Marc W. Deyell, Leanne Kwan, Doson Chua, Elaine Lum, Reginald Smith, Peter Loewen

Longitudinal oral anticoagulant adherence trajectories in patients with atrial fibrillation. [link]

Salmasi S, De Vera MA, Safari A, Lynd LD, Koehoorn M, Barry AR, Andrade JG, Deyell MW, Rush K, Zhao Y, Loewen PS.

The Random Effects Warfarin Days' Supply (REWarDS) model: Development and validation of a novel method to estimate exposure to warfarin using administrative data. [link]

Salmasi S, Hoëgg T, Safari A, De Vera MA, Lynd LD, Koehoorn M, Barry AR, Andrade JG, Loewen PS

The Virtual Atrial Fibrillation Clinic: Improving Specialty Care Delivery in Rural Communities [link]

Rush K, Andrade J, Loewen P, MacGillivray J, Costigan J, Eves ND, Gorman NE, Halperin F, Harris DR, Hatt L, Louann L, Jones GR, O'Connor BP, Polasek P, Regier DA.

Satisfaction with oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation: A prospective observational study. [link]

Salmasi S, Adelakun A, Safari A, Kwan L, MacGillivray J, Andrade JG, Deyell MW, Kapanen A, Loewen P.

Preventable adverse drug events causing hospitalisation: identifying root causes and developing a surveillance and learning system at an urban community hospital, a cross-sectional observational study. [link]

de Lemos J, Loewen P, Nagle C, McKenzie R, Dong Y, Dabu A, Zed P, Ling P, Chan R.

Improving community outreach to providers to reduce preventable adverse drug events resulting in hospitalization.

De Lemos J, Klaasen A, Loewen P.

Improving in-hospital detection of preventable adverse drug events: Focus on Medicine and Emergency Department nurses.

De Lemos J, Mouhajer M, Al-Olabi N, Loewen P.

A taxonomy of risk associated alternative health practices: A Delphi study. [link]

Garrett B, Caulfield T, Murdoch B, Kumar Kapur, A, Murphy S, Reardon R, Harrison MJ, Hislop J, Wilson-Keates BJ, Anthony J, Loewen PS, Musoke RM, Braun J.